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A free public event brought to you by the Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria, and the The Canada-ASEAN Initiatives at York Centre for Asian Research, York University
with funding from

- Lorraine Elliott, Professor Emerita, International Relations, Australian National University
- Mina Hoofar, Professor and Dean of Engineering, University of Victoria
- Erik Kuhonta, Associate Professor, Political Science, and Director, Institute for the Study of International Development, McGill University, Canada
- Pavida Pananond, Professor, International Business, Thammasat Business School, Thammasat University, Bangkok
- Sharon Seah Li-Lian, ISEAS Yusof–Ishak Institute, Singapore
- Peter Lundy, Director General, Southeast Asia, ASEAN, APEC, Global Affairs Canada
- Phil Calvert, former Canadian Ambassador to Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos; CAPI Senior Research Fellow
- Victor V. Ramraj, CAPI Director and Chair in Asia-Pacific Legal Relations and Professor of Law, University of Victoria
Please click here for more information.